Petra Wagner

Evaluation of School Social Work: A Multi-Dimensional Approach


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This paper presents a multi-dimensional approach for conducting an evaluation of a project for school social work. Concretely, the methodological approach of a formative and summative evaluation is described. The methodological approach is based on a multi-dimensional research approach which includes three areas: (1) ‘multi-informant approach’, (2) ‘multi-method approach’, and (3) ‘multi-evaluation-level approach’. The ‘multi-informant approach’ was realized by the different target groups in the evaluation sample (school social workers, teachers, and students), the ‘multi-method approach’ by the different research methods (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, direct change measurement, indirect comparison measurement), the ‘multi-evaluation-level approach’ by the Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick four-stage model (2006) implementing the summative evaluation. Both the methodological approach and the results of the evaluation are illustrated through selected examples and discussed taking into account the specific situation of school social work in Austria.

Evaluation, School Social Work, Teacher, Students

APA citation
Wagner P. (2015). Evaluation von Schulsozialarbeit: Ein mehrdimensionaler Forschungszugang. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 14(1), 7-33.