Lutz BornmannWerner Marx

Proposals of Standards for the Application of Scientometrics in the Evaluation of Individual Researchers Working in the Natural Sciences


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Although scientometrics has been a separate research field for many years, there is still no uniformity in the way scientometric analyses are applied to individual researchers. Therefore, this study aims to propose standards for the use of scientometrics in the evaluation of individual researchers working in the natural sciences. This study includes recommendations for a set of indicators to be used for evaluating researchers. The standards relate to the selection of data on which an evaluation is based, the analysis of the data and the presentation of the results. To present our standards, we use here the anonymised data for three selected researchers who work in similar areas of research but are of different ages and enjoy different levels of academic success.

Scientometrics, Publications, Citations, Percentiles

APA citation
Bornmann, L. & Marx W. (2013). Vorschläge für Standards zur Anwendung der Szientometrie bei der Evaluation von einzelnen Wissenschaftler(inne)n im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 12(1), 103-127.