Issue 2/2012, 11. Volume Page 209–232
Problems and Methods of Quality Evaluation in Different Policy Fields
Similarities and Differences of Quality Measurement and Evaluation Approaches in Higher Education and Public Broadcasting
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This article distinguishes methodological problems in quality evaluation and measurement in two policy fields, namely higher education and public broadcasting. Both are characterized by similar external and internal basic conditions and are thus suitable for comparative research. The difficulties of quality measurement and evaluation are discussed with respect to three main features: (1) definition of quality, (2) operationalization of quality and (3) interpretation of quality. Furthermore the identified difficulties in both areas are not always the same, because they depend on different research criteria. Thus the debates of quality measurement and evaluation in higher education and public broadcasting can learn from each other and increase the understanding of quality measurement in general. In addition the comparative design provides opportunities for the development of methods and perspectives.
Quality-Measurement, Evaluation, Higher Education, Public Broadcasters
APA citation
Seyfried M. (2012). Probleme und Methoden der Qualitätsbewertung in verschiedenen Politikfeldern: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den Ansätzen zur Qualitätserfassung und Evaluation in Hochschulen und öffentlich-rechtlichem Rundfunk. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 11(2), 209-232.