Issue 2/2010, 9. Volume
Julia Hapkemeyer, Nicole Scheibner, Renate Soellner
Education of Evaluation in Psychology – a Review
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Evaluation gains in importance in today’s society and there is a growing demand of evalua-tion. The aim of this study is to examine how education in evaluation is designed in the field of psy-chology. 536 courses in the field of research methods at 41 universities, offering psychology as a di-ploma study, were analyzed. At 78% of the examined universities evaluation is a basic element of the education in research methods. Especially theory and history of evaluation, methodological competen-cies and evaluation practice are taught. Currently 64% of the 22 master programmes in the field of psy-chology offer courses in evaluation. It is not clear yet if education of evaluation in the field of psycho-logical research methods stays that important.
Education in Evaluation, Psychology, Evaluation and Research Methods
APA citation
Hapkemeyer, J., Scheibner, N. & Soellner R. (2010). Evaluationsausbildung in der Psychologie – eine Bestandsaufnahme. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 9(2), .