Issue 1/2009, 8. Volume
Intensivierung von Lehrerkooperation durch schulische Innovationsvorhaben zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen? – Befunde aus dem BLK-Modellversuchsprogramm SKOLA
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There are only a few empirical findings about the intensity and quality of teacher’s collaboration in German research so far. None of them are concerning the vocational education. This desideratum for research should be reduced with the presented study. The focus of this study is to get findings about the relations between initializing and implementing pedagogical innovations in vocational schools and the frequency and quality of teacher’s collaboration. Based on a theoretical modeling a survey in 70 vocational schools in Germany provides evidence for different types of collaboration and their requirements.
APA citation
Lang M. (2009). Intensivierung von Lehrerkooperation durch schulische Innovationsvorhaben zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen? – Befunde aus dem BLK-Modellversuchsprogramm SKOLA. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 8(1), .