Dorothee Keppler

Prozessoptimierung durch Aktivierung. Die Steigerung der Wirksamkeit prozessbegleitender Evaluationen durch aktivierende Datenerhebung


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This article refers to the question, how formative evaluations can improve the work process of cooperative projects effectively, even under adverse conditions. That and in what way an activating data collection can be helpful, is described by the example of a vocational project supported by the EU community initiative EQUAL. During the evaluation it became obvious that the sights within the project team were so fixed that – in spite of the participative proceeding – a critical discussion and reflection of the intermediate results was not possible. By especially shaping the interviews with the project members according to activating questioning methods it was possible to stimulate the evaluated to reflect their activities and to think about alternatives and improvements. This encouraged and advanced the reflection of project activities even at the team level.

APA citation
Keppler D. (2007). Prozessoptimierung durch Aktivierung. Die Steigerung der Wirksamkeit prozessbegleitender Evaluationen durch aktivierende Datenerhebung. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 6(1), .