Utta von Gleich

Die Bildungsreformen Boliviens: Der Weg der bilingualen interkulturellen Grundschulbildung vom Lande in urbane Migrantenstadtteile

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101415

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The article presents an overview of multilingualism in Bolivia and analyzes how the educational reforms carried out in different phases throughout the twentieth century have tried to include the still excluded indigenous population into the educational system. This social transformation is due to indigenous grassroots movements in the Andean countries and their claims making towards their respective governments. The homogenization through the dominant Spanish languages fails, and since the nineties step by step bilingual intercultural pilot projects succeed in developing an extension of intercultural bilingual primary education as an educational right recognized in the constitutions and educational laws of the Andean countries; however, the implementation of this right is not completely fulfilled. As the article analyzes, Bolivia makes a further step, introducing intercultural and multilingual basic education for all Bolivians.

APA citation
von Gleich U. (2013). Die Bildungsreformen Boliviens: Der Weg der bilingualen interkulturellen Grundschulbildung vom Lande in urbane Migrantenstadtteile. Tertium Comparationis, 19(2), 196-221. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101415