Ulrich Baumann

Interdisziplinarität, Transdisziplinarität, Integralität – kann der britische Cultural Studies-Ansatz wegweisend sein für das Verhältnis von Vergleichender Erziehungswissenschaft und Erziehungswissenschaft?

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Although there is hardly any doubt among comparative educationalists in Germany that Comparative Education is part of the discipline Educational Science, the discussion of alternatives from other points of view seems to be justified (e.g. the German society of comparative educationalists organized a conference under the topic ‘Comparative Education within the structure of disciplines of Educational Science’). The article discusses the question whether the British Cultural Studies Approach could be held up as an example of freeing comparative education studies from disciplinary boundaries. Originally, the British Cultural Studies Approach was introduced to surmount these boundaries and overcome the limitations of many dominant approaches and disciplines. At the beginning the article deals with the term and the concept of Cultural Studies and gives a short outline of its historical development. The project of Cultural Studies is supposed to be independent of disciplines but also as interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and sometimes anti-disciplinary. As far as its exemplariness for the comparative education studies is concerned, the discussion of five theses leads to a plea that is even made in a similar way by protagonists of Cultural Studies. Comparative education studies should always have a home discipline, and for many reasons Comparative Education under the aegis of Educational Science seems to be the best one.

APA citation
Baumann U. (2005). Interdisziplinarität, Transdisziplinarität, Integralität – kann der britische Cultural Studies-Ansatz wegweisend sein für das Verhältnis von Vergleichender Erziehungswissenschaft und Erziehungswissenschaft?. Tertium Comparationis, 11(1), . https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART100121