Issue 2/2023, 15. Volume Page 250–273
Rabea Marker, Harry Kullmann, Dominik Zentarra, Sabine Geist, Birgit Lütje-Klose
Sense of Belonging at School as a Quality Measure of Inclusion – Comparing the Inclusive Experimental School Laborschule Bielefeld with Regular Inclusive Comprehensive Schools and Investigating the Determining Factors
Sense of belonging at school (SoBaS) is a basic requirement for every student and a major inclusivity goal for educational institutions. In the present study, we report on a self-evaluation of the Laborschule Bielefeld (LS; Germany) covering SoBaS. LS is an inclusive experimental comprehensive school with more than forty years of experience concerning a non-segregative and diversity-friendly school culture. Based on propensity score matching, the study investigated whether the SoBaS scores of the students at this inclusive experimental school (N = 115) differ from the students visiting inclusive classes in regular state-run comprehensive schools (N = 2376). Furthermore, we examined the factors in the students’ educational environment at LS that may potentially influence their SoBaS. The results indicate that the students attending the LS experienced a higher SoBaS. In addition, certain aspects of LS's teaching and interaction culture were identified as auspicious factors for accomplishing high levels of students’ SoBaS.
sense of belonging, inclusive education, secondary school, social-emotional needs
APA citation
Marker, R., Kullmann, H., Zentarra, D., Geist, S. & Lütje-Klose B. (2023). Sense of Belonging at School as a Quality Measure of Inclusion – Comparing the Inclusive Experimental School Laborschule Bielefeld with Regular Inclusive Comprehensive Schools and Investigating the Determining Factors. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 15(2), 250-273.