Issue 1/2019, 11. Volume Page 9–15
Empirical educational research in Germany
Retrospection, future and importance for educational science – Questions to Professor Lenzen
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In this interview, Professor Dieter Lenzen comments on diverse issues focusing on empirical educational research, but also on educational science in general. He discusses, among other topics, the development and current situation of empirical educational research. Additionally, he addresses the “parent-child relationship” in educational science and empirical educational research. Finally, the interview turns to the future position of empirical educational research in the scientific system and possible prospective issues.
APA citation
Lenzen D. (2019). Empirische Bildungsforschung in Deutschland:: Rückblick, Zukunft und Bedeutung für die Erziehungswissenschaft – Fragen an Professor Lenzen. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 11(1), 9-15.