For a socio-psychological approach of the concept of racial stacking



Research studies focusing on the relationships between team sports and socioethnicity have developed in the Anglo-Saxon literature since the 1970s. In particular the use of the concept of racial stacking confirms a growing interest in a more complex vision when it comes to player selection and positioning. In basketball, studies have identified that black players are overrepresented in the American professional basketball championships (NBA) and at the same time patterns of racial stacking exist as they are overrepresented at non-central positions. This research led to a survey of black players’ positions in the professional championships in France (Pro A basketball). Using social stacking procedures, we listed the number of black and white players in each position. The results show evidence of a racial stacking pattern, only the position of point guard tends to be played by white rather than black players; this phenomenon is reduced when black players come from the USA.
Keywords: socio-psychology, racial stacking, stereotypes, team sport, basketball

APA citation
Perchot, R., Mangin, F., Castel, P. & Lacassagne M. (2015). For a socio-psychological approach of the concept of racial stacking. ejss - European Journal for Sport and Society, 12(4), .