Uta Klusmann

Promoting Teachers’ Occupational Well-Being

Why We Need to Think Beyond Mindfulness Trainings

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART106038
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2024.04.08

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Teachers are crucial to everyday school life and the demands placed on them are high. In addition to professional knowledge and skills, the occupational well-being of teachers is an essential prerequisite for meeting these demands. However, various studies show that a significant proportion of teachers feel exhausted and stressed by their work. Accordingly, interest in effective support measures is high. However, the majority of available and evaluated offers focus exclusively on promoting teachers’ individual stress management skills. The present discussion aims to encourage efforts to improve occupational well-being by taking greater account of both the school environment and the individual needs of teachers in intervention approaches.

teachers, well-being, intervention, stress management, mindfulness

APA citation
Klusmann U. (2024). Berufliches Wohlbefinden von Lehrkräften nachhaltig fördern: Warum wir mehr als Achtsamkeitstrainings brauchen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 116(4), 395-402. https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2024.04.08