Issue 4/2024, 116. Volume Page 366–378
Jana Groß Ophoff, Jonas Pfurtscheller
Becoming a Principal Isn’t Difficult, but Staying One Is Even More So?
Demands and Resources of School Principals in Germany and Austria
School principals oscillate between autonomy and accountability, between administration and innovation. The associated demands and resources were examined in the School Leader Monitor Germany and Austria. The Job Demands-Resources Theory served as a framework for conducting a structural equation modeling analysis: Low autonomy in decision-making appears to be experienced as demanding, while self-efficacy is an important resource.
school principals, demands, resources, professional engagement, stress
APA citation
Groß Ophoff, J. & Pfurtscheller J. (2024). Schulleitung werden ist nicht schwer, Schulleitung bleiben umso mehr?: Belastungen und Ressourcen von Schulleitungen in Deutschland und Österreich. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 116(4), 366-378.