Issue 2/2024, 116. Volume Page 190–193
Christine Beckerle, Katja Mackowiak, Christiane Miosga, Claudia Müller-Brauers, Fenja Lampe, Rebecca Stein, Alena Töpke
Adaptive Dialogic Reading With Multilingual Children
ADIL focuses on the triad of adult interaction person, child and differently linguistically structured children’s books. The aim is to identify conditions for the success of adaptive dialogic reading on the basis of video analyses. In order to transfer adaptive dialogic reading into practice, students are trained and accompanied in the implementation at different learning locations. The intervention is evaluated formatively (feedback from students and adult interaction person at the learning locations) and summatively (analysis of the students’ support skills and the children’s grammatical skills). Tools for implementation (e.g., online platform with diagnostic/support materials) are being developed.
dialogic reading, multilingualism, adaptivity, implementation
APA citation
Beckerle, C., Mackowiak, K., Miosga, C., Müller-Brauers, C., Lampe, F., Stein, R. & Töpke A. (2024). Adaptives dialogisches Lesen mit mehrsprachigen Kindern (ADIL). DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 116(2), 190-193.