Julia GerickEmilie SteglichBirgit EickelmannJanine Oelkers

The Evaluation of the Model School Project “Learning with ICT in Schools for Children with Special Needs (Mental Development/Physical Development)” in Schleswig-Holstein

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART105029
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2022.03.10

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As part of the evaluation of the project “Learning with ICT” in Schleswig-Holstein, 16 model schools for children with special needs (mental development/physical development) were examined in order to take into account the specifics of this type of school. The objectives of the use of ICT, forms of use, potentials and challenges as well as conducive and inhibiting factors for learning with ICT were examined from multiple perspectives. The results provide indications for sustainable further development, also beyond the participating schools.

ICT, school, special needs, participation, evaluation, Schleswig-Holstein

APA citation
Gerick, J., Steglich, E., Eickelmann, B. & Oelkers J. (2022). Die Evaluation des Modellschulprojekts „Lernen mit digitalen Medien an Förderzentren Geistige Entwicklung/Körperlich-Motorische Entwicklung“ in Schleswig-Holstein. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 114(3), 327-332. https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2022.03.10