Data to Act Upon

Improving the Data Basis for Targeted Political Action to Contain and Overcome the Consequences of the Corona Pandemic


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This paper discusses the fact that in Germany, many of the extensive political decisions pertaining to the Corona Pandemic lack adequate evidence as a basis. Yet these decisions exert a massive influence on the daily life and health of millions of people. Data on the development of infections are, however, often incomplete, and chances to connect them to existing data from other areas are being missed. The article thus describes currently existing school data and the data requirements beyond them with regard to upcoming political decisions on the closing of students’ competency gaps and its evaluation. Furthermore, approaches to identifying small-range infection clusters and possibilities for job-specific and sectoral analyses are proposed. The different suggestions share the ideas of using small-range data and utilizing a trusted third party to connect data from different sources and, in accordance with data privacy laws, make them available for deepened analyses, thus providing a basis for evidence-based political decisions.

Corona Pandemic, learning gaps, competency levels, federal-state program, infection cluster, trusted third party

APA citation
Fickermann D. (2021). Daten für Taten: Verbesserung der Datengrundlagen für zielgerichteteres politisches Handeln zur Eindämmung und Bewältigung der Folgen der Corona-Pandemie. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(2), 227-242.