Björn Hermstein

Who Is Playing Why? Interfaces in School System Development and Processes of Their Rationalization


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The term "school system development" is used to define a subject area that lies between school reform and school development. These dynamics are essentially based on interfaces that are constituted around the local school authority. With reference to some socialtheoretical clarifications, the article uses empirical illustrations to show how interfaces contribute to the rationalization of school system development. In addition to the normative rules, the actors involved bring variable cultural frames of reference and material interests to bear about the organization of the school system.

school development, school reform, school theory, local school authority, rational choice, framing

APA citation
Hermstein B. (2021). Wer spielt warum mit? Schnittstellen in der Schulsystementwicklung und Prozesse ihrer Rationalisierung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(1), 14-29.