Issue 3/2020, 112. Volume Page 257–276
Esther Dominique Klein, Pierre Tulowitzki
Professional Development of School Principals in Research and Practice – an Attempt to Systemize
The evolving conceptualization of the role of principals in Germany has created a demand for an effective qualification as well as professional development for principals. However, the domain of professional development of principals is so far characterized by a lack of structure, be it on the level of practice or its theoretical and empirical analysis. Against such a backdrop, this contribution aims to give an overview of principal professional development in Germany. This can serve as a starting point for further developing the field of principal professional development as well as the study of conditions, types and effects of professional development offers. To achieve its goals, the contribution provides an overview of possible development needs, an attempt to systematize professional development structures in Germany, and a summary of research related to the professional development of principals.
principals, professional development, professionalization, overview
APA citation
Klein, E. & Tulowitzki P. (2020). Die Fortbildung von Schulleiter*innen in Forschung und Praxis – ein Systematisierungsversuch. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(3), 257-276.