Issue 2/2019, 111. Volume Page 219–229
Anna Alexandra Wojciechowicz, Miriam Vock
Re-Entering the Teaching Profession after Refugee Migration with the Refugee Teachers Program in Brandenburg
Amongst other challenges through refugee migration, institutional changes are required also in teacher education. This article exemplifies reactions to forced migration with the Refugee Teachers Program at the University of Potsdam, a program designed to requalify in-service teachers who took refuge in Germany. We focus on the underlying concepts, the structure and the contents of the program and discuss it in the context of current issues of teacher education.
teacher training, forced migration, refugee teachers
APA citation
Wojciechowicz, A. & Vock M. (2019). Wiedereinstieg in den Lehrerberuf nach der Flucht mit dem Refugee Teachers Program in Brandenburg. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 111(2), 219-229.