Issue 1/2019, 111. Volume Page 91–102
Alexander Kauertz, Stefanie Würtz, Regina Schleicher
From the Cooperation of Institutions to a Common Project
The Gain from the Project CampusSchule for Research, Schools, and Teacher Education
This article sheds more light on the cooperation between two institutions – schools and universities. First, based on theoretical sociological approaches, the significance of “trust” as an indispensable prerequisite for cooperation at eye-level between actors from school practice and actors from science will be worked out. The next step will illustrate the practice of cooperation between schools and universities with examples from the project. In particular, the interdisciplinary cooperation project CampusSchule, which is anchored at the University of Koblenz-Landau on the Landau campus, will be examined more closely. Special attention is paid to the conditions, which foster successful cooperation between schools and universities.
cooperation, school network, science-practice exchange, trust
APA citation
Kauertz, A., Würtz, S. & Schleicher R. (2019). Von der Kooperation von Institutionen zum gemeinsamen Projekt. : Der Zugewinn für Forschung, Schule und Lehrerbildung durch das Projekt CampusSchule. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 111(1), 91-102.