Issue 4/2017, 109. Volume Page 334–352
Heike Spangenberg, Heiko Quast, Barbara Franke
Academic Studies, Vocational Training, or Both?
Educational Pathways of School Leavers with Higher Education Entrance Qualification
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Against the background of increased numbers of school leavers with a higher education entrance qualification we have a look at educational pathways of these school leavers. The paper explores factors of choice of transition into (1) vocational training, (2) higher education, or (3) a combination of vocational training and higher education one aft er another. Furthermore, we would like to explain the social inequality that reveals within these processes. Our findings indicate that enrolment in higher education (after school or after a vocational training) depends on sociodemographic characteristics, school performances, and expectation of success, as well as anticipated costs, and benefit expectations.
school leavers, educational pathways, combination of vocational training and higher education, social background
APA citation
Spangenberg, H., Quast, H. & Franke B. (2017). Studium, Ausbildung oder beides? : Qualifizierungswege von Studienberechtigten. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 109(4), 334-352.