Issue 1/2014, 106. Volume Page 9–29
Cooperation of Youth Welfare Services and Schools in the Educational System
A Comparative View Focussing on School Social Work in Germany, the USA, and Sweden
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Since the 1970s, different forms of cooperation between youth welfare services and schools have been tested in schools in Germany. The expectations of the social and educational policy with regard to the cooperation are extremely varied and demanding. As part of the nationwide education reform, cooperation projects between youth welfare services and schools have gained even more importance in the 2000s. The aim of the following paper is firstly to provide an overview of the structural tensions between youth welfare services and schools and of the development of cooperation between the two institutions in Germany. Secondly, focussing on school social work as the closest form of cooperation between youth welfare services and schools, the article describes the characteristics and current developments of this cooperation. Finally, the school social work in Germany is compared with the situation in the USA and Sweden.
social work for youth, youth services, education reform, professionalization, professional development, target groups
APA citation
Speck, K. & Jensen S. (2014). Kooperation von Jugendhilfe und Schule im Bildungswesen.: Ein vergleichender Blick mit Fokus auf die Schulsozialarbeit in Deutschland, den USA und Schweden. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(1), 9-29.