Martin GartmeierJohannes BauerAnne NollManfred Prenzel

What are Typical Problems that Teachers Face in Parent Interviews?

And which Conclusions Can Be Drawn for Teaching Communication Skills?


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In this article, we report findings from interviews with 21 upper secondary teachers who reported about typical problem-situations in teacher-parent conversations. As a guideline for analyzing the interviews, we used the Munich Model of Communicative Competence in Parent-Teacher Conversation. This model focuses the facets interpersonal relationship, problem solving, and structuring of the conversation. The results are relevant, e.g. for more effectively training teachers in communicating with parents.

teacher-parent conversations, communication skills, teacher competence, Delphi-Study

APA citation
Gartmeier, M., Bauer, J., Noll, A. & Prenzel M. (2012). Welchen Problemen begegnen Lehrkräfte beim Führen von Elterngesprächen? : Und welche Schlussfolgerungen ergeben sich daraus für die Vermittlung von Gesprächsführungskompetenz?. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 104(4), 374-382.