Anke B. LiegmannSarah Bouß

School Structures in Flux

An Up-to-Date Survey and an Analysis of Development Trends and of Lines of Argument


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The federal organization of education in Germany traditionally leads to very different structural arrangements of the school systems in the Bundesländer. Various reforms in the last decade have increased this diversity. The article describes the status quo of the school structure in Germany in a comparison of the Bundesländer, identifies trends and outlines discussions and arguments that motivate current structural reforms.

School types, school structure reform, three-tier school system, two-tier school system, demographic development

APA citation
Liegmann, A. & Bouß S. (2012). Schulstruktur im Wandel: Aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse von Entwicklungstendenzen und Begründungslinien. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 104(2), 200-215.