Sarah Frahm

Lesekompetenz fördern in Klasse 6?


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During the past decade, the concept of literacy has not only gained in importance for the scientific community, it is also out in the public eye. This is mainly due to large scale assessments such as PIRLS and PISA, which have shown that even in secondary school a high number of students cannot read to the degree at which reading can serve as a medium for learning. Therefore, their reading competence has to be enhanced – not only in elementary, but also in secondary school. That is why a study with 116 students will be presented in which an integrative intervention towards the facilitation of reading competence is evaluated. The so-called Lesepatenmodell aims to enhance mainly reading fluency. Moreover, reading comprehension and motivation are to be strengthened. In order to examine the learning development of the students, several tests were conducted. The results show that the students highly improve their reading fluency. Furthermore, their reading comprehension considerably advances. Here, the tests as well as the intervention will be illustrated, followed by a presentation of results of the study. Thereby, it will be shown how reading competence can be enhanced effectively, even in secondary school.

reading fluency, literacy, intervention study, reading enhancement

APA citation
Frahm S. (2010). Lesekompetenz fördern in Klasse 6?. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 102(4), 360-372.