Gabriele Köhler

Erinnerte Zukunft? Das kulturelle Gedächtnis als Modernisierungsressource gesamtdeutscher Schulentwicklung


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Numerous reformation proposals to restructure the school and education system are reminiscent of the educational system in die G.D.R., due to formal similarities. In previous discussions regarding school policy, the sentiment was to differentiate from the G.D.R. educational system, rather than using it as a resource for modernization. This paper questions which requirements and conditions would enable such a transition in the interpretations and evaluations of the G.D.R. educational system. In this context, this paper comments on the role of cultural memory as a resource for the modernization of German school development.

school development, modernization, cultural memory, school reformation proposals

APA citation
Köhler G. (2010). Erinnerte Zukunft? Das kulturelle Gedächtnis als Modernisierungsressource gesamtdeutscher Schulentwicklung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 102(3), 209-220.