Simone HerrlingerSusanne Strunck

When Good Practice Shall Set an Example …

Information and Research Perspectives in the Context of the Project “Starke Schule” [“Strong School”]


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The following report presents the project “Starke Schule” [“Strong School”] as a good practice award with an attached network. Preliminary qualitative and quantitative analyses have shown that there are some beneficial factors for the diffusion process of good practice. The results indicate that some characteristics of the participating schools (cooperation practice, focus on pedagogy) and the sitting in on classes at the awarded schools are beneficial for the diffusion process of good practice, even though the diffusion process may not be guaranteed. Generally, with respect to the transfer of innovations, further research is needed.

school awards, school networks, transfer, good practice

APA citation
Herrlinger, S. & Strunck S. (2011). Wenn gute Praxis „Schule machen“ soll …: Hinweise und Forschungsperspektiven im Kontext des Projekts „Starke Schule“. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 103(1), 80-93.