Issue 2/2024, 116. Volume Page 212–224
Daniela Rzejak, Alexander Gröschner, Frank Lipowsky, Dirk Richter, Elisa Calcagni
Process Quality Dimensions of Teacher Professional Development Events
Professional development is an important resource for teacher professionalization. Research in this field has so far strongly focused on identifying various characteristics of effective professional development programs, however, without specifically focusing on the quality of teaching-learning processes in a single professional development event. This article presents several dimensions for the process quality based on different fields of the educational system.
professionalization, teacher learning, teacher professional development, teaching-learning processes, quality
APA citation
Rzejak, D., Gröschner, A., Lipowsky, F., Richter, D. & Calcagni E. (2024). Dimensionen der Prozessqualität von Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für Lehrkräfte. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 116(2), 212-224.