Markus KoppenborgSabine KochSarah Smikale

Die Qualität des Qualitätsmanagements: ein Design zur Evaluation eines Qualitätsmanagmentsystems für Studium und Lehre


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Current evaluations of quality assurance (QA) in higher education mostly focus on selected aspects of impacts, structures, or processes. A more comprehensive design is proposed for the evaluation of the QA system of the University of Cologne, which includes an additional impact dimension, i.e., quality culture. In six phases of data collection, impact models are created, and quality culture is analysed quantitatively and longitudinally. Quality of study programs, as well as structures and processes are investigated with document analyses, workshops, and surveys. Group interviews are used to gain a deeper understanding of the results and to identify mechanisms and influencing factors. Findings may be integrated using Qualitative Comparative Analyses. The design is discussed using SWOT-analysis, especially regarding its application to other QA-systems.

Quality assurance, realist evaluation, causation model, quality culture

APA citation
Koppenborg, M., Koch, S. & Smikale S. (2024). Die Qualität des Qualitätsmanagements: ein Design zur Evaluation eines Qualitätsmanagmentsystems für Studium und Lehre. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 23(1), 10-34.