Issue 1/2024, 1. Volume Page 37–65
Friedhelm Käpnick, Katarina Farkas, Thomas Wagner
Current opportunities and challenges for domain-specific didactic research into giftedness
The present article reflects on the role and significance of giftedness and talent development in pedagogical research. First, current findings from domain-specific pedagogy research with regard to mathematics, German, and foreign languages are summarised. Drawing upon these insights, the article explores implications of domain-specific pedagogy and its related disciplines for approaches to researching giftedness in a practice-oriented fashion. The article concludes with an outlook on prospects and potential challenges for future domain-specific pedagogical research within the realm of gifted education, with a particular focus of developing individual potentials.
Domain-specific giftedness, domain-specific pedagogy, subject-specific disciplines, mathematics, German, foreign language teaching and learning, giftedness research, talent development, individual potentials
APA citation
Käpnick, F., Farkas, K. & Wagner T. (2024). Aktuelle Chancen und Herausforderungen einer fachdidaktischen Begabungsforschung. Zeitschrift für Begabungsforschung und Talententwicklung, 1(1), 37-65.