Issue 1/2023, 46. Volume Page 32–38
Schulpartnerschaften im Nord-Süd-Kontext: Fallstudie einer deutsch-senegalesischen Schulpartnerschaft
When schools are cooperating across national borders this is generally discussed as an international school partnership normally meant to foster peace education and international understanding. In contrast, school partnerships in North-South contexts display certain characteristics: Because of the Nord-South divide (e.g., financial resources, visa requirements), they include charity like donations and sponsorships to the benefit of the partner school in a so-called developing or emerging country, next to the general motifs of encounter and exchange. The following criteria-oriented case study reconstructs the praxis of a German-Senegalese school partnership in view of postulations on school partnerships in North-South contexts by an analysis of existing project documents and interviews of key persons.
International School Partnership, School Partnership in North-South Contexts, Partnership, Sponsorship, Global Learning, Case Study Design
APA citation
Adick C. (2023). Schulpartnerschaften im Nord-Süd-Kontext: Fallstudie einer deutsch-senegalesischen Schulpartnerschaft. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 46(1), 32-38.