Karin Bürkert

Culture as an urban resource

Ethnographic Perspectives on Control Processes of “Art and Culture in Rural Areas”

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART105167
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/zekw/2022.06

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The article examines how “culture in rural areas” is conceptualized by cultural policy and cultural actors and which potentials of valorization are attributed to it. In doing so, I highlight the tensions that become evident in talking about arts and culture in rural areas and how these affect funding policies and self-perceptions of cultural actors. The effect of a distinction-oriented cultural dispositive is elaborated and its interaction with structures of cultural policy is presented. Finally I reflect on the effect of scholarly contributions in an application-oriented way to the debate on the value of arts and culture with a plea for a broad concept of culture.

culture, rurality, urbanity, cultural policy, valorization

APA citation
Bürkert K. (2022). Kultur als rurbane Ressource: Ethnografische Perspektiven auf Steuerungsprozesse von „Kunst und Kultur in ländlichen Räumen“. Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft, 118(1&2), 104-126. https://doi.org/10.31244/zekw/2022.06