Issue 2/2022, 14. Volume Page 25–54
Melike Ömeroğulları, Ramona Obermeier
Scholastic Well-Being at the Transition to Secondary School
In-Depth Analyses of Disadvantaged Students
Scholastic well-being is a cognitive and an emotional resource for students in order to cope with academic and social demands at school, and has become a research interest in the past years. At the transition from primary to secondary school, students have to adapt themselves to a new learning environment, and form new relationships with teachers and peers. However, not all students succeed to adapt to this new environment. In this study, we analyzed the development of scholastic well-being at the transition from primary to secondary school in Germany (fourth to fifth grade). A second focus was laid on variables characterizing a potential disadvantage like social background and parental support. We analyzed, whether family background characteristics have an effect on the initial level and rate of change of scholastic well-being. The study is based on data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS, starting cohort kindergarten, N = 2737). Latent growth curve models showed an increase of scholastic well-being at the transition from primary to secondary school. Further, a positive effect of higher educational aspiration and educational level of the parents on the initial level of scholastic well-being could be observed. The results showed no systematic disadvantage for at-risk students.
scholastic well-being, transition to secondary school, disadvantaged students, National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)
APA citation
Ömeroğulları, M. & Obermeier R. (2022). Schulisches Wohlbefinden am Übergang in die Sekundarstufe: Vertiefende Analysen zu bildungsbenachteiligten Schüler:innen. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 14(2), 25-54.