Issue 3/2022, 114. Volume Page 298–311
What’s Understood by “Individual Support and Digitality”
Can Be Very Different …
… and Is Increasingly Shaped by the Soft ware Used
Usually, “individual support and digitality” produces little resistance: no one opposes the idea of individual support, and digital media offer a wide range of potential in this regard. However, experience shows that “individual support” is often understood in very different ways, and, in practice, “digitality” is often not understood at all. This is particularly difficult when decision-makers are not aware that digital spaces can shape the learning culture in a way very similar to physical spaces.
individual support, digitalization, digitality, space, space as a third educator, digital space as a fourth educator
APA citation
Döbeli Honegger B. (2022). Was unter „Individuelle Förderung und Digitalität“ verstanden wird, ist oft sehr individuell …: … und wird zunehmend von der eingesetzten Soft ware geprägt. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 114(3), 298-311.