Thorsten Hertel

Disziplin der Marginalisierung. Über die Reproduktion und Erfahrung natio-ethno-kultureller (Nicht-)Zugehörigkeit in schulischen Disziplinar- und Strafpraktiken


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The relationship between school and migration society is highly ambivalent. On the one hand, postmodern global developments challenge the notion of school as an institution of national and cultural homogeneity. On the other hand, modern educational systems and the nation state continue to be inextricably intertwined and to reproduce each other. From a perspective of critical educational research, this article aims to examine how practices and structures of school discipline contribute to this reproductive cycle. Drawing on Foucauldian concepts, school is defined as a ‘dispositive of power’ – a heterogeneous social structure that incorporates discursive and non-discursive practices, as well as material artefacts, and systematically ‘produces’ individuals as subjects of society. The following qualitative analysis focuses on a case study on the disciplinary culture of a school situated in a structurally deprived urban area. The emphasis lies on two aspects: firstly, the basic structures of knowledge underpinning disciplinary practices and their relation to the reproduction of ethnocultural order are reconstructed. In a second step, an example of student’s subtle resistance towards the school’s disciplinary regime will be examined. The article concludes with a summary and a short discussion against the backdrop of the aforementioned theoretical concepts.

APA citation
Hertel T. (2021). Disziplin der Marginalisierung. Über die Reproduktion und Erfahrung natio-ethno-kultureller (Nicht-)Zugehörigkeit in schulischen Disziplinar- und Strafpraktiken. Tertium Comparationis, 27(1), 84-102.