Susann Kroworsch

No Equal Opportunities Without an Inclusive Education System

Legal Obligations Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Challenges in the Practical Implementation in Schools


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The CRPD obligates Germany to create an inclusive school system and thus to create equal access and participation opportunities for students with and without disabilities. In fact, however, Germany’s slow implementation process, in particular the maintenance of the special school system alongside the general one, means that equal opportunities cannot be guaranteed. The following article describes the obligations under international law as well as challenges and misconceptions in the implementation.

inclusion, education system, unequal opportunities, disability, special school system, segregated school system, education law

APA citation
Kroworsch S. (2021). Ohne ein inklusives Bildungssystem keine Chancengleichheit : Rechtliche Verpflichtungen aus der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention und Herausforderungen in der schulpraktischen Umsetzung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(4), 381-395.