Issue 1/2021, 113. Volume Page 101–117
Markus Sauerwein, Svenja Vieluf
The Capability Approach as Theoretical Normative Fundament for
the Monitoring of Educational Justice
There is a broad consensus that educational monitoring contains normative stipulations. However, as yet these lack theoretical substantiation. This article proposes the Capability Approach as a theoretical foundation. Educational systems would then be assessed on the basis of information about opportunities and freedoms to achieve capabilities they are offering to students and on the basis of their success in fostering the basic abilities necessary for realizing the capabilities.
educational monitoring, educational justice, Capability Approach
APA citation
Sauerwein, M. & Vieluf S. (2021). Der Capability Approach als theoretisch-normative Grundlage für das Monitoring von Bildungsgerechtigkeit. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(1), 101-117.