Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann

From Teacher Demand Forecasts to Career Changers – Comments on the Current Supply Crisis from the Perspective of Education Policy

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104273
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2020.04.07

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The lack of teachers that has become apparent in all Federal States has led to special procedures in teacher training. These procedures will be analysed more closely in this contribution to find failures in the education politics. It has become apparent that federal forecasts of required teachers reach their limits rather quickly, because they cannot accurately predict the number of future students or teacher applications. Moreover, the education administration has to deal with shortcomings in the actualisation of the predictions which exacerbate the problems. An analysis of the career-changer program shows that the avoidance of missed lessons comes at the price of a lack of pedagogical and didactic quality in teaching, as more and more teachers are hired without previous experience or training. Finally, a preposition is made on how a career-changer program could be connected to a qualified pedagogical-didactic training.

teacher training, teacher shortage, teacher demand planning, career changers

APA citation
Tillmann K. (2020). Von der Lehrerbedarfsprognose zum Seiteneinstieg – bildungspolitische Anmerkungen zur gegenwärtigen Versorgungskrise. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(4), 439-453. https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2020.04.07