Harald Freiling

Low-Cost Agency Agreements instead of Certificated Career Changes – an Outline of the Problem, Using the Example of Hesse

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104272
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2020.04.06

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It has been increasingly discussed and criticized in recent years that due to the growing teacher shortage, more and more career changers are employed. They usually have no school-specific pedagogical qualifications, but they have a high teaching load. However, an in-service training is offered to them; thereby, they are supposed to catch up on teacher training up to the Second State Examination (cp. the contribution by Driesner & Arndt in this issue). The critical discussion of this group’s working situation ignores very easily that there is also another big group of untrained “supply teachers”, who teach at school under even worse circumstances, without any qualification or vocational perspective. This contribution deals with the extent and the conditions of their employment and resulting effects on the quality of teaching, focusing on Hesse. But these “supply teachers” also work in other German Länder, for example in Berlin, where they are called “teachers without full teaching authorization”. As these supply teachers are not recorded in the statistics of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany, there are no data regarding their nationwide distribution. Therefore, for the time being, we use a specific case-study to illustrate their complex of problems.

teacher shortage, Hesse, agency agreements, precarious occupation, career change, equal treatment (to fully qualifi ed teachers), quality of teaching

APA citation
Freiling H. (2020). Kostengünstige Vertretungsverträge statt berufsqualifizierender Seiteneinstiege – eine Problemskizze am Beispiel des Landes Hessen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(4), 428-438. https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2020.04.06