Issue 3/2020, 112. Volume Page 277–295
André Meyer, Eric Richter, Anna Gronostaj, Dirk Richter
Evaluation of the Professional Development Program “Schule leiten” [“School Leadership”] for Principals
Results from a Program on School Improvement
Empirical studies and legal documents of school law highlight the importance of principals for school improvement. Professional development (PD) needs to be provided for principals in this field accordingly. This longitudinal study investigates effects of a PD program addressing principals’ self-reported skills that are related to school improvement. Participants are highly satisfied with the PD program and they report small to moderate changes of their leadership behaviour. Principals with little experience on the job report higher gains of their leadership than highly experienced principals. Implications for future research and professional development are discussed.
principal professional development, evaluation research, effects of provessional development, longitudinal study, multiple regression
APA citation
Meyer, A., Richter, E., Gronostaj, A. & Richter D. (2020). Professionalisierung von Schulleitungen am Beispiel der Werkstatt „Schule leiten“: Evaluationsergebnisse einer Fortbildungsreihe für Schulleitungen zum Thema Schulentwicklung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(3), 277-295.