Iris ClemensTheresa Vollmer

Nationalisierungstendenzen im Bildungssystem am Beispiel Indiens und der Hindutva


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Taking the example of recent educational reform movements in India, we identify in an exemplary way nationalization tendencies in the education sector. Thereby, we stress the sociocultural embedding in the present as context of the emergence of these nationalist future visions. In the education sector, likewise as in other sectors, the past is a point of reference to legitimate and enforce specific futures. Following Appadurai, we define future as well as the past as cultural fact. Focusing upon India and the development of a new National Education Policy (NEP) as the field of study, we show exemplarily how an imagined past is used to promote the implementation of Hindu-fundamentalist educational reforms or a sanskritization of education in the present time. Finally, we discuss some possible consequences.

APA citation
Clemens, I. & Vollmer T. (2019). Nationalisierungstendenzen im Bildungssystem am Beispiel Indiens und der Hindutva. Tertium Comparationis, 25(1), 28-44.