Issue 3/2019, 42. Volume Page 22–26
Björn Risch, Alexander Engl, Marc B. Rieger, Britta Rudolf, Marie Schehl
Reallabor Queichland – gemeinsames Gestalten einer Lernumgebung im Kontext Nachhaltigkeit
In the Real-World Laboratory Queichland, MINT-specific approaches are developed in the context of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and made accessible to the public in a dialogue between science, schools and civil society on the Sustainable Development Goals 6 (“Clear Water”), 13 (“Climate Action”) and 15 (“Life on Land”). Within the framework of participatory and transdisciplinary design processes, educational concepts will be discussed in order to initiate social changes towards greater sustainability. People from other regions and countries can not only participate in activities taking place on site in the real-world-laboratory, they can also actively shape them. Selected learning resources are made available for use and processing via Open Educational Resources (OER), such as Wikiversity. The overall goal of the Real-World Laboratory Queichland is to enable as many people as possible to actively develop research-based knowledge about environmental processes in a problem-oriented way.
Real-World Laboratory, Education for Sustainable Development, Participation
APA citation
Risch, B., Engl, A., Rieger, M., Rudolf, B. & Schehl M. (2019). Reallabor Queichland – gemeinsames Gestalten einer Lernumgebung im Kontext Nachhaltigkeit. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 42(3), 22-26.