Issue 4/2019, 111. Volume Page 479–494
Karl Dieter Schuck, Wulf Rauer
Consequences and Ideas from the EiBiSch Project for the Further Development of Inclusive Schools – not only in Hamburg
On the tenth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, this article critically examines the state of development of inclusion in the Federal Republic of Germany and derives ideas for the further development of schools from the completed project “EiBiSch” [Evaluation of the Implementation of Inclusive Education at the Schools in Hamburg]. The current data situation with regard to the education of handicapped students in general schools and in schools for special educational needs shows that there has been no remarkable development towards inclusion in the Federal Republic. EiBiSch has made various obstacles clear on the way towards an inclusive school. The study emphasizes that classical orientations in the fields of educational administration and practice have to be overcome much more consequently than to date, in order to do justice to the growing heterogeneity of students in the general school and to meet the requirements of inclusion.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, inclusion, segregation, categorical diagnostics, learning process-related diagnostics, heterogeneity of students, obstacles to and conditions of a successful development of inclusion
APA citation
Schuck, K. & Rauer W. (2019). Konsequenzen und Anregungen aus EiBiSch für die Weiterentwicklung der inklusiven Schule – nicht nur in Hamburg. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 111(4), 479-494.