Issue 4/2019, 111. Volume Page 435–455
Florian Schacht, Bärbel Barzel, Susanne Daum, Amelie Klinger, Marcel Klinger, Philipp Schröder, Alexandra Schüler, Steffen Wardemann
Strengthening Subject-related Learning
The Use of Video Clips at Schools in a Socially Challenging Situation
Improving educational equity and promoting the ability to participate in society are key questions in the digital world – for the sustainability of our educational system as well as our society in general. How fostering digital along with mathematical skills can be achieved is exemplarily shown by our project, which focusses on the conception and us-age of learning videos and crosses boundaries between school types and years: Students of German secondary schools create such videos for elementary school students enrolled at schools which are socially disadvantaged to foster their mathematical skills. The key experience of the students and their teachers is that neither equipment issues nor financial resources alone lead to educational achievement. Instead, the production of effective learning videos requires the criterialed and appropriate preparation for the specific addressees, e. g. regarding meta-cognitive strategies, language-related challenges or various approaches to and varying representations of the mathematical content.
subject-related learning, learning videos, educational equity, educational equality, inter-year groups, cross-school collaboration, multi-media learning
APA citation
Schacht, F., Barzel, B., Daum, S., Klinger, A., Klinger, M., Schröder, P., Schüler, A. & Wardemann S. (2019). Das fachliche Lernen stärken: Zur Nutzung von Erklärvideos an Schulen in sozial herausfordernder Lage. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 111(4), 435-455.