Issue 2/2019, 18. Volume Page 291–306
Elisabeth Wachsmuth, Henrik Brinkmann, Jan Ulrich Hense
Outcome Orientation in Non-Profit-Programs – Program Models and Program Model Archetypes as Management and Evaluation Tools
Taking up a case from a large German non-profit organisation (NPO), this article describes how various measures of an overall strategy, including a training program and the use of program model archetypes, contribute to strengthening outcome orientation in program work. The use of program models is framed theoretically in terms of theory-based and program theory-driven evaluation and as part of the impact movement in the non-profit sector. Subsequently, the objectives, implementation and initial experiences of several sub-measures of a comprehensive strategy for Evaluation Capacity Building are presented. An expost logic model for the entire process serves to discuss the experiences with program model archetypes. It is shown that, as expected, the training program contributes to building necessary competences and that the use of program model archetypes can support the development of specific program models. Finally, it will be discussed to what extent the experiences of the practical example can be relevant and transferable for NPOs in general.
APA citation
Wachsmuth, E., Brinkmann, H. & Hense J. (2019). Wirkungsorientierung in der Non-Profit-Programmarbeit – Wirkungsmodelle und Wirkungsmodelltypen als Instrumente der Steuerung und Evaluation. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 18(2), 291-306.