Alexandra TotterDaniela Müller-KuhnEnikö Zala-MezöSimone Marti

Textbook and Innovation?

The Introduction of a New Textbook as (No) Reason for Innovation Transfer


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Based on innovation as social practice, this paper examines the introduction of a new textbook in three schools and the implementation of the didactic innovations implied therein. Interviews with teachers and school leaders are used to analyze factors influencing the transfer of innovation. It is shown that the textbook is basically seen as a carrier of innovation, but the transfer of the didactic innovations has so far been left to the selforganization of teachers.

textbook, innovation, transfer, school improvement, new media, emphasis on competence, French textbook

APA citation
Totter, A., Müller-Kuhn, D., Zala-Mezö, E. & Marti S. (2019). Schulbuch und Innovation?: Die Einführung eines neuen Lehrmittels als (kein) Anlass zum Innovationstransfer. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 111(3), 294-309.