Adriana GewercLourdes Montero

Do innovation projects with ICT enhance learning?

Experiences from case studies in Galician schools


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We present a study which analyzes the factors that influence the processes of change in innovation projects with ICT in schools. In the current socio-political and economic context, the demand for innovation is felt across all fields. The educational system is no exception, and schools are expected to hop on board the innovation wagon. Our research involved four cases including a pre-school, two primary schools and a secondary school in Galicia (Spain). A collaborative action research methodology was used in the usual stages: action, observation, and reflection. The factors affecting change in schools are complex and intertwined. The present study focuses on the following three research questions: How do education administration policies affect the development of school innovation processes with ICT? What training and professional development processes are mobilized for the management and evaluation of school innovation projects? And which aspects of school organizational culture change when there are innovation processes with ICT? The findings reveal a strong interconnection among the dimensions analyzed (socio-political context, school organization, teachers, their professional culture and their training and professional development). The difficulties and possibilities associated with each dimension as well as the way they interconnect also come to light.

ICT in schools; Educational innovation; Teacher education; Professional development

APA citation
Gewerc, A. & Montero L. (2011). Do innovation projects with ICT enhance learning? : Experiences from case studies in Galician schools. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 3(1), 56-74.