Issue 1/2009, 1. Volume Page 62–85
Johannes König, Christine Wagner, Renate Valtin
AIDA: Adaptation during Adolescence.
Theoretical Framework, Research Questions, Design, and First Results from the Berlin Longitudinal Study, Grades 7 to 9
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The aim of AIDA is to provide a detailed description and longitudinal modelling of the developmental processes of young adolescents, with a particular focus on the psychological and other non-cognitive outcomes that are part of school education. The study samples students at three levels – Grades 7, 8, and 9. The AIDA theoretical framework incorporates theories and concepts from education, developmental psychology, and personality psychology. Constructs measuring personality traits related to school achievement as well as indicators capturing the successful coping of age-specifi c developmental tasks are specifi ed. Effects of various conditions, especially the adolescents’ social resources both within and outside school are investigated. This article reports on the study’s theoretical framework, its content focus, key research questions, and study design, as well as its first set of results, those concerning the modelling of “ego-strength” and “achievement orientation.”
longitudinal study, personality development, developmental task, secondary school students, ego-strength, achievement orientation
APA citation
König, J., Wagner, C. & Valtin R. (2009). AIDA: Adaptation during Adolescence.: Theoretical Framework, Research Questions, Design, and First Results from the Berlin Longitudinal Study, Grades 7 to 9. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 1(1), 62-85.