Issue 4/2018, 41. Volume Page 15–19
Global citizenship in teacher education: a critical framing and Australian curriculum case study
Teachers are increasingly framed as global civic professionals with a set of dispositions, knowledges and skills for global citizenship. This rationale must also go beyond neoliberal framing of global citizenship as an employability skill set or commodity. There is a social justice imperative to engage pre-service teachers in teacher education curriculum approaches that foster cultural understandings of 'self' and 'other' and how such understandings shape teachers' work. This paper presents a theoretical framing of culture and the intersecting spheres of the local-global citizen and how these frame teacher education. Significant findings include understanding the complex intersections of global education, citizenship education and cosmopolitan education invoked in international frames, national policy borrowing and curriculum change. I then use a case study of a specific Australian teacher education course to highlight pre-service teacher perspectives on global citizenship and an example of how students experienced service learning as a curriculum response in teacher education. The curriculum case study illustrates the transformative potential and challenges of experiential learning in teacher education, particularly as a catalyst and stimulus for dialogue and reflection on global citizenship.
Global Citizenship, Teacher Education, Cultural Education, Cosmopolitan Learning, Service-Learning
APA citation
Halbert K. (2018). Global citizenship in teacher education: a critical framing and Australian curriculum case study. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 41(4), 15-19.