Issue 4/2018, 110. Volume Page 354–368
Potentials of Portfolio in Teacher Education
An Analysis of the Corresponding Literature
The use of portfolio is considered as innovation in teacher education. However, there is no systematic of the assumed potentials, and the literature on portfolio has not been characterized so far. Therefore, this article analyzes the literature and the potentials using content analysis in a literature review. In conclusion, there is a range of potentials. The literature is mainly conceptual, but hardly exploratory and empirical. Findings are discussed on the basis of theories of professionalism.
portfolio, teacher education, review
APA citation
Feder, L. & Cramer C. (2018). Potenziale von Portfolioarbeit in der Lehrerbildung: Eine Analyse der Portfolioliteratur. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 110(4), 354-368.